Source code for crowsetta.formats.seq.yarden

"""Module for loading annotations from .mat files
created by SongAnnotationGUI:
import os
import pathlib
from typing import ClassVar, List

import attr
import numpy as np

import crowsetta
from crowsetta.typing import PathLike

def _cast_to_arr(val):
    """helper function that casts single elements to 1-d numpy arrays"""
    if isinstance(val, int) or isinstance(val, float):
        # this happens when there's only one syllable in the file
        # with only one corresponding label
        return np.asarray([val])  # so make it a one-element list
    elif isinstance(val, np.ndarray):
        # this should happen whenever there's more than one label
        return val
        # something unexpected happened
        raise TypeError(f"Type {type(val)} not recognized when converting annotations to arrays.")


def _recursive_stem(path_str):
    """Helper function that 'recursively' removes file extensions
    to recover name of an audio file from the name of an array file

    i.e. bird1_122213_1534.wav.mat -> i.e. bird1_122213_1534.wav
    and i.e. bird1_122213_1534.cbin.not.mat -> i.e. bird1_122213_1534.cbin

    adapted from ``vak`` library
    name = pathlib.Path(path_str).name
    stem, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
    ext = ext.replace(".", "")
    while ext not in VALID_AUDIO_FORMATS:
        new_stem, ext = os.path.splitext(stem)
        ext = ext.replace(".", "")
        if new_stem == stem:
            raise ValueError(f"unable to compute stem of {path_str}")
            stem = new_stem
    return stem

[docs] @crowsetta.interface.SeqLike.register @attr.define class SongAnnotationGUI: """Class that represents annotations from .mat files created by SongAnnotationGUI: Attributes ---------- name: str Shorthand name for annotation format: ``'yarden'``. ext: str Extension of files in annotation format: ``'.mat'``. annotations : numpy.ndarray A :mod:`numpy` record array where each record is an annotation. audio_paths : numpy.ndarray A :mod:`numpy` array where each element is a path to an audio file. Same length as ``annotations``. Each element in ``annotations`` is the annotation for the corresponding path in ``audio_paths``. annot_path : str, pathlib.Path Path to mat file from which annotations were loaded. """ name: ClassVar[str] = "yarden" ext: ClassVar[str] = ".mat" annotations: np.ndarray = attr.field(eq=attr.cmp_using(eq=np.array_equal)) audio_paths: np.ndarray = attr.field(eq=attr.cmp_using(eq=np.array_equal)) annot_path: pathlib.Path = attr.field(converter=pathlib.Path)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, annot_path: PathLike) -> "Self": # noqa: F821 """Load annotations from mat files created by SongAnnotationGUI: Parameters ---------- annot_path: str, pathlib.Path Path to .mat file with annotations. """ annot_path = pathlib.Path(annot_path) crowsetta.validation.validate_ext(annot_path, extension=cls.ext) # annotation structure loads as a Python dictionary with two keys # one maps to a list of filenames, # and the other to a Numpy record array, # where each element is the annotation # corresponding to the filename at the same index in the list. annot_mat =, squeeze_me=True) audio_paths = annot_mat["keys"] annotations = annot_mat["elements"] if len(audio_paths) != len(annotations): raise ValueError(f"list of filenames and list of annotations in {annot_path} do not have the same length") return cls(annotations=annotations, audio_paths=audio_paths, annot_path=annot_path)
[docs] def to_seq(self, round_times: bool = True, decimals: int = 3) -> List[crowsetta.Sequence]: """Convert this set of annotations to a :class:`list` of :class:`crowsetta.Sequence` instances. We assume there is one :class:`~crowsetta.Sequence` per annotated song in the source annotations. Parameters ---------- round_times : bool If True, round times of onsets and offsets. Default is True. decimals : int Number of decimals places to round floating point numbers to. Only meaningful if round_times is True. Default is 3, so that times are rounded to milliseconds. Returns ------- seqs : list A :class:`list` of :class:`~crowsetta.Sequence` instances, one for each element in ``annotations``. Notes ----- The ``round_times`` and ``decimals`` arguments are provided to reduce differences across platforms due to floating point error, e.g. when loading annotation files and then sending them to a csv file, the result should be the same on Windows and Linux. """ seqs = [] for annotation in self.annotations: # below, .tolist() does not actually create a list, # instead gets ndarray out of a zero-length ndarray of dtype=object. # This is just weirdness that results from loading complicated data # structure in .mat file. seq_dict = {} seq_dict["onsets_s"] = annotation["segFileStartTimes"].tolist() seq_dict["offsets_s"] = annotation["segFileEndTimes"].tolist() seq_dict["labels"] = annotation["segType"].tolist() # cast all to numpy arrays seq_dict = dict((k, _cast_to_arr(seq_dict[k])) for k in ["onsets_s", "offsets_s", "labels"]) # after casting 'labels' to array, convert all values to string seq_dict["labels"] = np.asarray([str(label) for label in seq_dict["labels"]]) samp_freq = annotation["fs"].tolist() seq_dict["onset_samples"] = np.round(seq_dict["onsets_s"] * samp_freq).astype(int) seq_dict["offset_samples"] = np.round(seq_dict["offsets_s"] * samp_freq).astype(int) if round_times: seq_dict["onsets_s"] = np.around(seq_dict["onsets_s"], decimals=decimals) seq_dict["offsets_s"] = np.around(seq_dict["offsets_s"], decimals=decimals) seq = crowsetta.Sequence.from_dict(seq_dict) seqs.append(seq) return seqs
[docs] def to_annot(self, round_times: bool = True, decimals: int = 3) -> List[crowsetta.Annotation]: """Convert this annotation to a :class:`crowsetta.Annotation`. Parameters ---------- round_times : bool If True, round times of onsets and offsets. Default is True. decimals : int Number of decimals places to round floating point numbers to. Only meaningful if round_times is True. Default is 3, so that times are rounded to milliseconds. Returns ------- annots : list A :class:`list` of :class:`crowsetta.Annotation` instances. Notes ----- The ``round_times`` and ``decimals`` arguments are provided to reduce differences across platforms due to floating point error, e.g. when loading annotation files and then sending them to a csv file, the result should be the same on Windows and Linux. """ seqs = self.to_seq(round_times=round_times, decimals=decimals) annots = [] for audio_path, seq in zip(self.audio_paths, seqs): annots.append(crowsetta.Annotation(annot_path=self.annot_path, notated_path=audio_path, seq=seq)) return annots