Munging annotations from Praat TextGrid files with crowsetta to fit a first-order Markov model of birdsong syntax

Munging annotations from Praat TextGrid files with crowsetta to fit a first-order Markov model of birdsong syntax#

A common need when working with annotations for animal vocalizations is to transform them to perform a certain analysis. This is a sort of data munging. In this vignette, we provide a simple example of munging annotations to build a model of birdsong syntax.

We will work with a dataset of Bengalese finch song annotated in a format used by “evsonganaly”, a MATLAB GUI for annotating song. We want to build a matrix of the transition probabilities between syllables in the song, that is, a first-order Markov model.

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Here’s the steps we’ll follow:

  1. Write code for analysis

  2. Load .not.mat files saved by evsonganaly with crowsetta, and convert to crowsetta Annotations with Sequences

  3. Munge data

  4. Compute transition matrices

For this vignette, we use annotations from the Bengalese finch song repository, by Nicholson, Queen, Sober 2017 [1], adapted under CC BY 4.0 License.

0. Write code for analysis#

Before we can analyze our data, we need to know what analysis we’re doing. It can save you a lot of time to write a rough draft of this analysis code first, and test it with some toy data that you generate.

We also do this first to help understand what format we’re going to need to get our data into below.

Our goal here is to fit a first-order Markov model of the transition probabilities in the song of Bengalese finches. This model has been used in several previous studies[2][3], although it was later shown[4] that such a model does not completely describe the statistics of the song. In spite of that, a first-order Markov model is very convenient to fit, and can give us a useful first-order approximation (literally!) of singing behavior.

To build such a model for Bengalese finch song, we consider the song syllables to be states. We construct a transition matrix \(P\) where the rows are the state we’re transitioning from, the columns are the state we’re transitioning to, and thus the value in each cell \(p_{i, j}\) is the probability of transitioning from state \(i\) to state \(j\). We construct this matrix given a set of sequences \(X\), where each sequence \(x_t\) is a chain of states from a set \(S\), which in our case will be the set of syllable labels. To construct the matrix, we count the number of occurrences of each of the possible pairwise transitions from one state to another. Then, to compute the probabilities, we divide the counts for each pair by the total number of transitions. To replicate the approach used in [3], we will add start and end states to our transition matrix, that correspond to the start and end of each song bout, instead of computing a separate vector of initial state probabilities \(P_{init}\).

We will write a “pipeline” to compute this, which has basically two steps.

  1. Using annotations loaded into crowsetta, get the unique set of states, and the counts of every occurrence of transitioning from one state to another.

  2. Use the states and counts to compute the probabilities for the first-order Markov model

We write functions for step 1 and 2 below.
The functions are written in such a way that, after cleaning and transforming our loaded annotations, we pass them into the second function, and it will call the first one for us when it computes the transition matrix.


This code is adapted from yardencsGitHub/tweetynet under BSD license.

As used for the paper Cohen, Y., Nicholson, D., Sanchioni, A., Mallaber, E., Skidanova, V., & Gardner, T. (2022). Automated annotation of birdsong with a neural network that segments spectrograms. eLife.

"""functions for analyzing sequences of Bengalese finch syllable labels"""
from __future__ import annotations
from collections import Counter, namedtuple

import crowsetta
import numpy as np

def states_and_counts_from_labels(labels: list[np.ndarray],
                                  start_state:str = '@', 
                                  end_state:str = '!') -> set:
    """Get ``states`` and ``counts``
    from a list of numpy arrays of string characters, 
    to build a transition matrix
    showing the probability of going from
    one state to another.

    labels : list
        Of numpy.ndarray of string labels, 
        taken from the ``Sequence.label`` 
        attributes of ``crowsetta.Annotation`` instances.
        Will be used to count transitions
        from one label to another
        in the sequences of syllables.
    start_state : str
        Single character used to indicate the 
        start of a bout of song. Default is '@'.
    end_state : str
        Single character used to indicate the 
        end of a bout of song. Default is '!'.

    states : set
        of characters, set of
        unique labels
        that occur in the list of
    counts : collections.Counter
        where keys are transitions
        of the form "from label,
        to label", e.g. "ab",
        and values are number of
        occurrences of that transition.

    Note that characters for start and end states 
    are appended to the beginning and end of 
    each string in ``labels`` to build the 
    transition matrix as in Jin Kozhevnikov 2011.
    # make sequences with start and end states
    seqs = []
    for seq_labels in labels:
        seq_labels = np.concatenate((np.array([start_state]), seq_labels, np.array([end_state])))

    # set of (unique) states
    states = sorted(
             for seq in seqs
             for state in seq

    counts = Counter()
    for seq in seqs:
        transitions = zip(seq[:-1], seq[1:])
        for transition in transitions:
            counts[transition] += 1

    return states, counts

def row_norm(mat: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Normalize matrix rows, so they sum to one"""
    return mat / mat.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

TransitionMatrix = namedtuple('TransitionMatrix',

def transmat_from_labels(labels: list[np.ndarray],
                         thresh: float | None = None,
                         start_state:str = '@', 
                         end_state:str = '!') -> TransitionMatrix:
    """From list of labels from ``crowsetta.Annotation``s,
    returns ``TransitionMatrix`` tuple with fields
    'counts', 'matrix', and 'states'

    labels : list
        Of numpy.ndarray of string labels, 
        taken from the ``Sequence.label`` 
        attributes of ``crowsetta.Annotation`` instances.
        Will be used to count transitions
        from one label to another
        in the sequences of syllables.
    thresh : float
        threshold used to smooth probabilities.
        If not None, any probabilities less
        than threshold are set to 0.0 and then
        the transition matrix is again row
    start_state : str
        Single character used to indicate the 
        start of a bout of song. Default is '@'.
    end_state : str
        Single character used to indicate the 
        end of a bout of song. Default is '!'.

    trans_mat : TransitionMatrix
        A NamedTuple with fields 'counts', 'matrix', and 'states'.

    Note that characters for start and end states 
    are appended to the beginning and end of 
    each string in ``labels`` to build the 
    transition matrix as in Jin Kozhevnikov 2011.
    The returned matrix will have (:math:`s - 1` rows 
    and :math:`s` columns, where :math`s` is the 
    number of states, (i.e., ``len(trans_mat.states)``).
    This is because there is no probability 
    of transitioning from the end state to any other.
    states, counts = states_and_counts_from_labels(labels, start_state=start_state, end_state=end_state)

    counts_arr = np.array(
        [[counts[i, j] for j in states] for i in states], dtype=float

    # remove row for end state since probability of 
    # transitioning *from* that state to any other is zero.
    # we use a mask to keep only rows we want
    end_state_ind = states.index(end_state)
    rows = np.ones(counts_arr.shape[0], dtype=bool)
    rows[end_state_ind] = False
    counts_arr = counts_arr[rows]

    trans_mat = row_norm(counts_arr)
    if thresh is not None:
        trans_mat[trans_mat < thresh] = 0.0
        trans_mat = row_norm(trans_mat)

    return TransitionMatrix(counts=counts, matrix=trans_mat, states=states)

1. Load data with crowsetta#

We change directories so we can access the ./data directory we have set up for our project, following good practices.

cd ..
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: using dhist requires you to install the `pickleshare` library.['dhist'] = compress_dhist(dhist)[-100:]

Our TextGrid files are in a sub-directory, ./data/r6pqa (the unique ID associated with the OSF project for the dataset).

We get a list of the TextGrid files from that subdirectory using pathlib.

To download these files and work with them locally, click the following links: b06_concat_dtw.TextGrid
b11_concat_dtw.TextGrid b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid

import pathlib

downloaded_dir = pathlib.Path('./data/r6paq/')

We make sure that our paths are sorted just in case it matters for our analysis.

textgrid_paths = sorted(downloaded_dir.glob('*.TextGrid'))

We inspect the first four paths just to check that we got what we expect.


Looks like it.

Each of the files corresponds to all the song from one individual bird. E.g., the file b06_concat_dtw.TextGrid contains annotations from the bird with ID “b06” and the file b011_concat_dtw.TextGrid contains annotations from the bird with ID “b11”.

We will need to do some book-keeping as we transform our data so we that we’re able to fit a model for each bird. Mainly this will involve using Python dictionaries where the bird’s ID is the key, and pandas DataFrames where we have the ID in a column.

But first let’s load all those annotations with crowsetta to get a sense of them.

import crowsetta

scribe = crowsetta.Transcriber(format='textgrid')

Notice below the argument keep_empty=True. The parameter keep_empty defaults to False, but we actually want to keep the unlabeled intervals between syllables, because they will help us divide the song up into bouts, as we will see below.

These are large files (that concatenate annotations across a day of song for each bird) so they take a while to load.

textgrids = {}

for textgrid_path in textgrid_paths:
    bird_id ='_')[0]  # bird ID will be first element from list after split
    annot = scribe.from_file(textgrid_path, keep_empty=True)
    textgrids[bird_id] = annot

2. Munge data#

Now we want to munge the data into the format we want to carry out our analysis.

Looking at descriptive statistics#

A good first thing to do with any new dataset is plot some descriptive statistics to get an overview of the data before we do anything with it. As an example of this, let’s look at the counts of the different classes of labels.

First we convert the TextGrid annotations to crowsetta.Annotations to make them easier to work with.
Here we use a dictionary comprehension to transform our textgrids dictionary to a dictionary of crowsetta.Annotations.

annots = {bird_id: textgrid.to_annot() 
          for bird_id, textgrid in textgrids.items()}

Now we count the distribution of labels. We loop over the dictionary values since for now we don’t care as much about the labels on a bird-by-bird basis (you’ll see why after we inspect them).

from collections import Counter

counts = Counter(
    [lbl for annot in annots.values() for lbl in annot.seq.labels]

Counter({'': 53428, 'x': 20970, 'd': 4924, 'e': 4520, 'b': 3992, 'c': 3896, 'a': 3807, 'f': 2878, 'g': 2147, 'h': 1524, 'l': 1209, 'j': 1203, 'k': 1200, 'i': 1158})

We can see that we have many segments in our sequences that have the label 'x'. These are squawky “intro” notes that are sometimes ommitted from models of song syntax.

In fact this is the most frequent label! (The collection.Counter prints its key-value pairs in descending order of value by default.)

We will remove the squawky “intro” notes for this analysis (this is sometimes called “cleaning” data, although maybe you shouldn’t make your data feel like it’s dirty).

Dividing the annotations into song bouts#

We want to add states to our model for the beginning and ending of each song bout. To do that with the data we’re using here, we need to find the bouts within the annotations somehow, since each annotation file contains entire days of song.

One way to do this is to set a threshold on the duration of silent intervals, e.g. greater than 500 seconds, and use that threshold to break up annotations into bouts.

Before we do that, let’s eyeball the distribution of the silent intervals with empty string labels, to see what kind of threshold might make sense.

We start by converting the annotations to a pandas.DataFrame so we can easily munge and tidy the data. This is one advantage of moving from the Praat TextGrid format to the 'generic-seq' format built into crowsetta.

One approach would be to put all the annotations in a single DataFrame, adding a column named 'bird ID' that we’d use to split the DataFrame back up below (a sort of “long form” DataFrame). But we’ll stick with a dictionary to hopefully make the loops a bit easier to follow without inspecting the contents of DataFrames. Our new dictionary dfs will map each bird ID to a pandas.DataFrame made from its annotations.

dfs = {
    bird_id: crowsetta.formats.seq.GenericSeq(annots=annot).to_df()
    for bird_id, annot in annots.items()
for bird_id, df in dfs.items():
    df['duration'] = df['offset_s'] - df['onset_s']
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax_arr = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10,8), dpi=150)
ax_arr = ax_arr.ravel()

for ax_ind, (bird_id, df) in enumerate(dfs.items()):
    ax = ax_arr[ax_ind]

    if ax_ind < 2:
        bins = 100  # so we don't end up with one giant bin with most values in it
        bins = None  # default is fine
    df[df.label == ''].hist(column='duration', bins=bins, ax=ax)

    ax.set_xlim([0, 2])
    rects = ax.patches
    for rect in rects[3:18:2]:
        height = rect.get_height()
        ax.text(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2, height+0.01, f'{int(height)}',
                ha='center', va='bottom', rotation=-45)

We can see that far and away the most frequent silent intervals are very brief, consistent with what is known about Bengalese finch song, where the silent gaps between syllables are 50-100 ms.

We can also see there’s a long tail of durations that are greater than 500 milliseconds.
To keep this vignette as simple as possible, let’s arbitrarily choose that threshold as “good enough”, and then use it to split our annotations into bouts.

At the same time that we do this, we’ll remove all the other silent labels, which was our goal in the first place.

We continue to work with the pandas.DataFrame for convenience.

First we make a Boolean column that is True where our conditions hold of a segment with a silent label that has a duration greater than our threshold.


for bird_id, df in dfs.items():
    df['between_bouts'] = (df.duration > THRESHOLD) & (df.label == '')

Now we can find all the places that are True using numpy.nonzero, and then use those indices to split our pandas.DataFrame up into a list of smaller pandas.DataFrame, our bouts. To do the splitting, we use the numpy.array_split function, that can interface with pandas.DataFrames.

import numpy as np

bouts = {}
for bird_id, df in dfs.items():
    inds = np.nonzero(df['between_bouts'].values)[0].tolist()
    bouts_bird = np.array_split(df, inds)
    bouts[bird_id] = bouts_bird
/home/docs/checkouts/ FutureWarning: 'DataFrame.swapaxes' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use 'DataFrame.transpose' instead.
  return bound(*args, **kwds)
/home/docs/checkouts/ FutureWarning: 'DataFrame.swapaxes' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use 'DataFrame.transpose' instead.
  return bound(*args, **kwds)
/home/docs/checkouts/ FutureWarning: 'DataFrame.swapaxes' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use 'DataFrame.transpose' instead.
  return bound(*args, **kwds)

Let’s check bouts for one the birds and see how many that gave us.
We use the set of bouts from the last time through the for loop in the cell above, since it’s still hanging out in memory.


Seems like a reasonable number. What do the bouts look like?
Are they all more or less the same length?

bouts_sorted = sorted(bouts_bird, key=lambda bout: len(bout))
for bout in bouts_sorted[:25]:

Hmm, the first few look quite short. Let’s inspect one.

label onset_s offset_s notated_path annot_path sequence annotation duration between_bouts
260 20.829 21.678 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.849 True
261 x 21.678 21.730 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.052 False
262 21.730 21.818 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.088 False
263 x 21.818 21.904 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.086 False
264 21.904 22.002 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.098 False
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
537 i 45.523 45.580 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.057 False
538 45.580 45.599 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.019 False
539 j 45.599 45.670 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.071 False
540 45.670 45.707 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.037 False
541 k 45.707 45.850 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.143 False

282 rows × 9 columns

We can see the one above begins with has many of the silent intervals or the ‘x’ class that we don’t care about. We can filter these intervals out and then inspect our bouts again.

How about a longer DataFrame with more rows in it, though?

label onset_s offset_s notated_path annot_path sequence annotation duration between_bouts
49042 4314.169 4314.670 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.501 True
49043 x 4314.670 4314.697 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.027 False
49044 4314.697 4314.900 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.203 False
49045 x 4314.900 4314.962 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.062 False
49046 4314.962 4315.110 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.148 False
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
51491 e 4518.538 4518.647 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.109 False
51492 4518.647 4518.694 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.047 False
51493 f 4518.694 4518.814 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.120 False
51494 4518.814 4518.859 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.045 False
51495 x 4518.859 4518.933 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.074 False

2454 rows × 9 columns

This looks more like a real bout of song, with labels corresponding to the syllables we are interested in. But we still also have silent periods and our ‘x’ segments as well.

Let’s definitely filter all the rows out that are unlabeled, as we set out to do, and the rows where the label is ‘x’ too.

bouts_filtered = {}

for bird_id, bouts_bird in bouts.items():
    bouts_bird = [
        bout[(bout.label != '') & (bout.label != 'x').copy()]
        for bout in bouts_bird
    bouts_filtered[bird_id] = bouts_bird

After we do that we can inspect our DataFrames again and see if they’re more like sequences of syllables.

for bout in bouts_filtered['b35'][:10]:

Not surprisingly they are shorter. There may be some empty “bouts” that we need to discard.
What do the bouts look like after filtering?

label onset_s offset_s notated_path annot_path sequence annotation duration between_bouts
737 a 64.726 64.822 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.096 False
739 b 64.896 65.019 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.123 False
741 c 65.043 65.192 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.149 False
743 d 65.220 65.369 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.149 False
747 f 65.650 65.762 None data/r6paq/b35_concat_dtw.TextGrid 0 0 0.112 False

Yes, this actually looks like a sequence of syllables.

Let’s filter out the empty “bouts”.

bouts_filtered = {
    bird_id: [bout for bout in bouts if len(bout) > 0]
    for bird_id, bouts in bouts_filtered.items()

Now finally we’ll make new annotated sequences that we can pass to the functions we wrote above.

annots_munged = {}

for bird_id, bouts in bouts_filtered.items():
    annots= []
    for bout in bouts:    
        bout = bout.reset_index()  # so we can get row '0' below
        onsets_s, offsets_s, labels = bout.onset_s.values, bout.offset_s.values, bout.label.values
        seq = crowsetta.Sequence.from_keyword(onsets_s=onsets_s, offsets_s=offsets_s, labels=labels)
        annot_path = bout.loc[0, 'annot_path']  # will be the same for all rows
        annot = crowsetta.Annotation(annot_path=annot_path, seq=seq)
    annots_munged[bird_id] = annots

So how many bouts did we end up with? We check for one bird.


This is a bit low for four days of song, but good enough number to fit a model for our purposes here.

We inspect the Sequence of the first Annotation just to further confirm that it worked.

(Segment(label='b', onset_s=1.263, offset_s=1.376, onset_sample=None, offset_sample=None),
 Segment(label='c', onset_s=1.399, offset_s=1.547, onset_sample=None, offset_sample=None),
 Segment(label='d', onset_s=1.572, offset_s=1.716, onset_sample=None, offset_sample=None),
 Segment(label='e', onset_s=1.941, offset_s=2.052, onset_sample=None, offset_sample=None),
 Segment(label='f', onset_s=2.099, offset_s=2.219, onset_sample=None, offset_sample=None),
 Segment(label='g', onset_s=2.249, offset_s=2.351, onset_sample=None, offset_sample=None),
 Segment(label='h', onset_s=2.391, offset_s=2.481, onset_sample=None, offset_sample=None),
 Segment(label='i', onset_s=2.51, offset_s=2.565, onset_sample=None, offset_sample=None),
 Segment(label='j', onset_s=2.582, offset_s=2.655, onset_sample=None, offset_sample=None),
 Segment(label='k', onset_s=2.684, offset_s=2.814, onset_sample=None, offset_sample=None))

Yes, this looks like what we saw in the DataFrame above, converted to annotations.

We have now transformed the annotations into the format we want for our analysis. This is a point in our analysis pipeline where we go from one form of the data for another, so it’s probably a good place to save what we’ve done. We do this by making a new set of 'generic-seq’ annotations, and then saving to a csv file.

for bird_id, annots_list in annots_munged.items():
    annots_munged_generic = crowsetta.formats.seq.GenericSeq(annots=annots_list)

4. Compute transition matrix#

Okay, let’s finally build a Markov model!

All we want now is the labels attributes from our sequence-like annotations; we will throw away the rest of the information for this step.

We then pass the labels into the pipeline we made with our functions above.

models = {}
for bird_id, annots in annots_munged.items():
    labels = [annot.seq.labels for annot in annots]
    counts, matrix, states = transmat_from_labels(labels)
    models[bird_id] = (counts, matrix, states)

Lastly we visualize the transition matrices as heatmaps.

import seaborn as sns

fig, ax_arr = plt.subplots(2, 2, dpi=300)
for ind, (bird_id, (counts, matrix, states)) in enumerate(models.items()):
    ax = ax_arr.ravel()[ind]
    g = sns.heatmap(matrix, 
                    xticklabels=states, yticklabels=states[1:], 
                    annot=True, fmt=".2f", 
                    vmin=0., vmax=1.,

Comparing across birds we can see that some individuals have a very linear song with the most frequent transitions on the diagonal (like b35 in the bottom right), while others have more variable transitions (b17 in the bottom left).

Now you’ve seen a detailed example of using crowsetta to access and transform annotations in a specific format in order to fit a simple model of behavior.