How to convert sequence-like annotations to the 'simple-seq' format#

A goal of crowsetta is to make it easier to work with annotations without knowing about the details of annotation formats. One situation where you will want to do this is when creating data sets for machine learning; the software framework for building machine learning models should not need to know about all the different annotation formats, and as a user you should not be prevented from training models on your data just because you rely on a format not supported by the framework.

In this situation, you need a simplified format that retains only the information required to train machine learning models to perform the task. crowsetta provides simplified representations of annotation formats that map directly to machine learning tasks, and makes it easy to convert your annotations in widely used formats to these simplified representations.

This vignette shows how to convert sequence-like annotations to a simplified format that is useful for tasks such as building data sets for machine learning. In this vignette, we write an example small Python script to convert a set of annotations to the 'simple-seq' format using the pandas library. We then show that we are able to load the annotations with crowsetta after converting them.


When would you want to do this#

Imagine we are training a machine learning model on a supervised learning task where it is given an annotated file \(x\) in some form, such as a spectrogram, and it learns to predict the annotations \(y\). Many software frameworks allow researchers to train such models and generate new productions given datasets \(\mathcal{D}\) where each \(d_i\) is a pair \((x_i, y_i)\). It is typical to build \(\mathcal{D}\) by pairing each of the samples \(x\), say as an array saved to disk, with an annotation file \(y\) in a lightweight, flat format such as a csv file.

As stated above, when building such datasets, you usually want the most lightweight format possible for rapid loading from disk and/or storage in memory. You also want a generic annotation format that retains only the information required to train the model to perform the task, as stated above.

For example the DAS library expects such a format and the vak library similarly allows for building datasets with a simple csv format (this vignette is adapted from that section of the vak docs).

What types of annotation formats will this work with#

The approach shown here will work for a wide array of annotation formats that crowsetta calls sequence-like, because they can all be represented as a sequence of segments, with each segment having an onset time, offset time, and label.

The one assumption the 'simple-seq' format makes is that you have one annotation file per file that is annotated, that is, one annotation file per audio file or per array file containing a spectrogram. This is likely to be the case if you are using apps like Praat or Audacity. An example of such a format is the Audacity standard label track format, exported to .txt files, that you would get if you were to annotate with
region labels. We use the Audacity format in this vignette.

Downloading the example dataset#

We download some examples of annotation files in the Audacity LabelTrack format, from the dataset “Labeled songs of domestic canary M1-2016-spring (Serinus canaria)” by Giraudon et al., 2021.

cd ..
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: using dhist requires you to install the `pickleshare` library.['dhist'] = compress_dhist(dhist)[-100:]
!curl --no-progress-meter -L '' -o './data/'
import shutil
shutil.unpack_archive('./data/', './data/giraudon-et-al-2021')

First we explain what your dataset should look like.

Explanation of when you can use the 'simple-seq' format#

Again, this first approach assumes that you have a separate annotation file for each file you have with a vocalization in it, either an audio file or an array file containing a spectrogram. In other words, a directory of your data looks something like this:

ls ./data/giraudon-et-al-2021/audacity-annotations/ | head -10
ls: write error: Broken pipe

Notice that each .wav audio file has a corresponding .txt file with annotations. Each of the .txt files has columns that could be imported into a GUI application, e.g. Audacity.

Here’s we use the cat command in the terminal to dump out the first few lines of the the first .audacity.txt file:

cat ./data/giraudon-et-al-2021/audacity-annotations/100_marron1_May_24_2016_62101389.audacity.txt | head -10
0.0	0.35	SIL
0.35	0.664	call
0.664	1.359	SIL
1.359	2.412	Z
2.412	2.488	SIL
2.488	2.773	T
2.773	2.8349814495	SIL
2.8349814495	2.969	SIL
2.969	4.398	U
4.398	4.695	J2

We can see that each row has an onset time, an offset time, and a text label. The evenly-aligned columns tell us that they are separated by tabs (which you can also notice if you open the file in a text editor and move the cursor around). Lastly we see that there is no header, that is, no first row with column names, such as “start time”, “stop time”, and “name”.

What we want is to convert each .txt file to a comma-separated file (a .csv) in the 'simple-seq' format, with a header that has the specific column names that crowsetta recognizes. We can easily create such files with pandas. We will write a script to do so. After running the script,
we will have a .csv file for each .txt and .wav file in our directory, as shown:


Notice also how the script (that we haven’t shown you yet) names the new annotation files: we preserve the .audacity component of the filename. Alternatively, we could have named the files by replacing the entire suffix .audacity.txt with the extension .csv, but one drawback of doing this is that we cannot have any other csv files with the exact same name in the directory, for example if we wanted to have an analysis file for each audio file. E.g., “108_marron1_May_25_2016_25065494.csv”. could contain features or measurements we extract from “108_marron1_May_25_2016_25065494.wav”. So by keeping the .audacity “extension” we allow multiple csv files with the same stem to sit side by side in the same directory.


Converting .txt files to the 'simple-seq' format#

Below is a short example script that loads the text files using pandas, and then adds the columns names needed before saving a new .csv file with the same values.

import pathlib

import pandas as pd

COLUMNS = ['onset_s', 'offset_s', 'label']

txt_files = sorted(pathlib.Path('./data/giraudon-et-al-2021/audacity-annotations').glob('*.txt'))

for txt_file in txt_files:
    txt_df = pd.read_csv(txt_file, sep='\t', header=None)  # sep='\t' because tab-separated
    txt_df.columns = COLUMNS
    # in next line, use `` to get the entire file name with audio extension
    # and then add the .csv extension to it, to follow naming convention
    csv_name = txt_file.parent / (txt_file.stem + '.csv')
    txt_df.to_csv(csv_name, index=False)  # we don't want an added index columns
/tmp/ipykernel_939/ DeprecationWarning: 
Pyarrow will become a required dependency of pandas in the next major release of pandas (pandas 3.0),
(to allow more performant data types, such as the Arrow string type, and better interoperability with other libraries)
but was not found to be installed on your system.
If this would cause problems for you,
please provide us feedback at
  import pandas as pd

Using crowsetta to load the converted files in the 'simple-seq' format#

Finally we use crowsetta to load the files saved in 'simple-seq' format, to show that we have successfully converted them.

csv_files = sorted(
import crowsetta

scribe = crowsetta.Transcriber(format='simple-seq')

simple_seqs = [
    scribe.from_file(csv_file) for csv_file in csv_files

We can print the first loaded annotation to confirm it looks like the csv we inspected above.

SimpleSeq(onsets_s=array([ 0.        ,  0.35      ,  0.664     ,  1.359     ,  2.412     ,
        2.488     ,  2.773     ,  2.83498145,  2.969     ,  4.398     ,
        4.695     ,  4.835     ,  5.69797655,  6.768     ,  6.925     ,
        7.059     ,  7.104     ,  8.009     ,  8.432     ,  8.617     ,
        9.463     , 10.24179069, 10.77685142, 11.469     , 11.53      ,
       12.281     , 13.603     , 13.645     , 15.36268604, 15.5305959 ,
       15.562     , 17.088     , 18.52      , 18.581     , 18.75233777,
       18.831     , 19.66      , 19.73      , 19.744     , 19.907     ,
       19.974     , 20.304     , 20.408     , 20.688     , 21.007     ,
       21.049     , 22.643     , 22.663     , 24.879     , 25.039     ,
       25.064     , 26.145     , 27.591     , 27.652     , 27.834     ,
       27.958     , 28.947     , 29.        , 29.199     , 29.257     ,
       29.591     , 29.703     , 29.92698303, 31.52095975, 31.535     ,
       31.697     , 31.838     , 32.46501978, 32.468     , 32.538     ,
       32.636     , 33.546     , 34.521     , 34.566     , 36.7623138 ,
       36.802     , 37.712     ]), offsets_s=array([ 0.35      ,  0.664     ,  1.359     ,  2.412     ,  2.488     ,
        2.773     ,  2.83498145,  2.969     ,  4.398     ,  4.695     ,
        4.835     ,  5.69797655,  6.77089937,  6.925     ,  7.059     ,
        7.104     ,  8.009     ,  8.432     ,  8.617     ,  9.463     ,
       10.24179069, 10.78245415, 11.469     , 11.53      , 12.281     ,
       13.603     , 13.645     , 15.382     , 15.5305959 , 15.562     ,
       17.088     , 18.52      , 18.581     , 18.75233777, 18.831     ,
       19.66      , 19.73      , 19.744     , 19.907     , 19.974     ,
       20.304     , 20.408     , 20.688     , 21.007     , 21.049     ,
       22.643     , 22.663     , 24.879     , 25.039     , 25.064     ,
       26.145     , 27.591     , 27.652     , 27.834     , 27.958     ,
       28.947     , 29.        , 29.199     , 29.257     , 29.591     ,
       29.703     , 29.927     , 31.52095975, 31.535     , 31.697     ,
       31.838     , 32.46501978, 32.468     , 32.538     , 32.636     ,
       33.546     , 34.521     , 34.566     , 36.7623138 , 36.802     ,
       37.712     , 37.779     ]), labels=<StringArray>
[ 'SIL', 'call',  'SIL',    'Z',  'SIL',    'T',  'SIL',  'SIL',    'U',
   'J2',  'SIL',   'B1',   'B2',    'R',  'SIL',   'J1',   'J1',   'J2',
  'SIL',   'B1',   'B2',    'Q',    'O',  'SIL',   'J1',    'L',  'SIL',
    'N',    'S',  'SIL',    'M',    'D',  'SIL',    'I',  'SIL',    'A',
    'A',  'SIL',    'O',  'SIL',    'P',  'SIL',    'K',   'K2',  'SIL',
    'L',  'SIL',    'N',    'S',  'SIL',    'M',    'D',  'SIL',    'I',
  'SIL',    'A',  'SIL',    'O',  'SIL',    'P',  'SIL',    'K',    'V',
  'SIL',    'O',  'SIL',   'J1',  'SIL',   'J2',  'SIL',   'B1',   'B2',
  'SIL',    'N',  'SIL',    'A',    'A']
Length: 77, dtype: string, annot_path=PosixPath('data/giraudon-et-al-2021/audacity-annotations/100_marron1_May_24_2016_62101389.audacity.csv'), notated_path=None)

Yes, these are the same onset and offset times and segment labels we saw in the first csv file. If we were preparing a dataset for machine learning, as in the introduction above, we would now be ready to build that dataset.