Source code for crowsetta.formats.seq.textgrid.textgrid

"""Module with functions for working with Praat TextGrid annotation files"""
from __future__ import annotations

import pathlib
import reprlib
from typing import ClassVar, Optional, Union

import attr
import numpy as np

import crowsetta
from crowsetta.typing import PathLike

from .classes import IntervalTier, PointTier
from .parse import parse

[docs] @crowsetta.interface.SeqLike.register @attr.define class TextGrid: """Class that represents annotations from TextGrid [1]_ files produced by the application Praat [2]_. This class can load TextGrid files saved by Praat as text files, in either the default format or the "short" format, as described in the specification [1]_. The class can load either UTF-8 or UTF-16 text files. It should detect both the encoding (UTF-8 or UTF-16) and the format (default or "short") automatically. The class does not currently parse binary TextGrid files (althoug there is an issue to add this, see Please "thumbs up" that issue and comment if you would find this helpful. This class can parse both interval tiers and point tiers in TextGrid files, but when converting to a :class:`crowsetta.Annotation` it can only convert :class:`~crowsetta.formats.seq.textgrid.classes.IntervalTier` instances to :class:`crowsetta.Sequence` instances. See the :meth:`~crowsetta.formats.seq.textgrid.TextGrid.to_seq` method for details. Attributes ---------- name: str Shorthand name for annotation format: ``'textgrid'``. ext: str Extension of files in annotation format: ``'.TextGrid'``. xmin: float Start time in seconds of this TextGrid. xmax: float End time in seconds of this TextGrid. tiers: list The tiers in this TextGrid, a list of IntervalTier and/or PointTier instances. annot_path : str, pathlib.Path The path to the TextGrid file from which annotations were loaded. audio_path : str, pathlib.Path The path to the audio file that ``annot_path`` annotates. Optional, default is None. Examples -------- Loading the example textgrid >>> example ='textgrid') >>> textgrid = crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.from_file(example.annot_path) >>> print(textgrid) TextGrid(tiers=[PointTier(nam...ark='L+!H-')]), IntervalTier(...aleila\\-^')]), IntervalTier(...t='earlier')])], xmin=0.0, xmax=2.4360509767904546, annot_path=PosixPath('/home/pimienta/.local/share/crowsetta/5.0.0rc2/textgrid/AVO-maea-basic.TextGrid'), audio_path=None) # noqa: E501 Determining the number of tiers in the textgrid >>> example ='textgrid') >>> textgrid = crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.from_file(example.annot_path) >>> len(textgrid) 3 Getting the names of the tiers in the textgrid >>> example ='textgrid') >>> textgrid = crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.from_file(example.annot_path) >>> textgrid.tier_names ['Tones', 'Samoan', 'Gloss'] Getting a tier from the TextGrid by name >>> example ='textgrid') >>> textgrid = crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.from_file(example.annot_path) >>> textgrid['Gloss'] IntervalTier(name='Gloss', xmin=0.0, xmax=2.4360509767904546, intervals=[Interval(xmin=0.0, xmax=0.051451575248407266, text='PRES'), Interval(xmin=0.051451575248407266, xmax=0.6407379583230295, text='Sione'), Interval(xmin=0.6407379583230295, xmax=0.7544662733943284, text='PAST'), Interval(xmin=0.7544662733943284, xmax=1.244041566788134, text='pull-ES'), Interval(xmin=1.244041566788134, xmax=1.3481058803597676, text='DET'), Interval(xmin=1.3481058803597676, xmax=1.70760078178904, text='rope'), Interval(xmin=1.70760078178904, xmax=2.4360509767904546, text='earlier')]) # noqa: E501 Getting a tier from the TextGrid by index >>> example ='textgrid') >>> textgrid = crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.from_file(example.annot_path) >>> textgrid[2] # same tier we just got by name IntervalTier(name='Gloss', xmin=0.0, xmax=2.4360509767904546, intervals=[Interval(xmin=0.0, xmax=0.051451575248407266, text='PRES'), Interval(xmin=0.051451575248407266, xmax=0.6407379583230295, text='Sione'), Interval(xmin=0.6407379583230295, xmax=0.7544662733943284, text='PAST'), Interval(xmin=0.7544662733943284, xmax=1.244041566788134, text='pull-ES'), Interval(xmin=1.244041566788134, xmax=1.3481058803597676, text='DET'), Interval(xmin=1.3481058803597676, xmax=1.70760078178904, text='rope'), Interval(xmin=1.70760078178904, xmax=2.4360509767904546, text='earlier')]) # noqa: E501 Calling the :meth:`~crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.to_seq` method with no arguments will convert all interval tiers :class:`~crowsetta.Sequence` instances, in the order they appear in the TextGrid. >>> example ='textgrid') >>> textgrid = crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.from_file(example.annot_path) >>> textgrid.to_seq() [<Sequence with 7 segments>, <Sequence with 7 segments>] Call the :meth:`~crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.to_seq` method with a ``tier`` argument to convert a specific :class:`~crowsetta.formats.seq.textgrid.classes.IntervalTier`s to a single :class:`~crowsetta.Sequence` instance. >>> example ='textgrid') >>> textgrid = crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.from_file(example.annot_path) >>> textgrid.to_seq(tier=2) [<Sequence with 7 segments>] When calling :meth:`~crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.to_seq` you can specify the ``tier`` as an int, or the name of the tier as a string. I.e., this parameter works the same way as square bracket access to a TextGrid as shown above. >>> example ='textgrid') >>> textgrid = crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.from_file(example.annot_path) >>> seq1 = textgrid.to_seq(tier=2) >>> seq2 = textgrid.to_seq(tier="Gloss") >>> seq1 == seq2 True Notes ----- Code for parsing TextGrids is adapted from several sources, all under MIT license. The main logic in :func:`~crowsetta.formats.seq.textgrid.parse.parse_fp` is from <> which is perhaps the most concise Python code I have found for parsing TextGrids. However, there are also good ideas in (__getitem__ method for tier access) and (data classes, handling encoding). For some documentation of the binary format see and for a citable library with docs see but note that both of these have a GPL license. References ---------- .. [1] .. [2] Boersma, Paul & Weenink, David (2023). Praat: doing phonetics by computer [Computer program]. Version 6.3.09, retrieved 2 March 2023 from """ name: ClassVar[str] = "textgrid" ext: ClassVar[str] = ".TextGrid" tiers: list[Union[IntervalTier, PointTier]] = attr.field(repr=reprlib.repr) xmin: float xmax: float annot_path: pathlib.Path audio_path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = attr.field(default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(pathlib.Path))
[docs] @classmethod def from_file( cls, annot_path: PathLike, audio_path: Optional[PathLike] = None, keep_empty: bool = False, ) -> "Self": # noqa: F821 """Load annotations from a TextGrid file in the format used by Praat. Parameters ---------- annot_path : str, pathlib.Path The path to a TextGrid file from which annotations were loaded. audio_path : str, pathlib.Path The path to the audio file that ``annot_path`` annotates. Optional, default is None. keep_empty : bool If True, keep intervals in interval tiers that have empty labels (i.e., the empty string ""). Default is False. Examples -------- >>> example ='textgrid') >>> textgrid = crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.from_file(example.annot_path) >>> print(textgrid) TextGrid(tiers=[PointTier(nam...ark='L+!H-')]), IntervalTier(...aleila\\-^')]), IntervalTier(...t='earlier')])], xmin=0.0, xmax=2.4360509767904546, annot_path=PosixPath('/home/pimienta/.local/share/crowsetta/5.0.0rc2/textgrid/AVO-maea-basic.TextGrid'), audio_path=None) # noqa: E501 For usage, see the "Examples" section in :class:`crowsetta.formats.seq.textgrid.TextGrid`. See Also -------- :class:`crowsetta.formats.seq.textgrid.TextGrid` """ annot_path = pathlib.Path(annot_path) crowsetta.validation.validate_ext(annot_path, extension=cls.ext) tg_dict = parse(annot_path, keep_empty) return cls( tiers=tg_dict["tiers"], xmin=tg_dict["xmin"], xmax=tg_dict["xmax"], annot_path=annot_path, audio_path=audio_path, )
def __len__(self): return len(self.tiers) @property def tier_names(self): return list( for tier in self.tiers) def __getitem__(self, key: Union[str, int, slice]) -> Union[IntervalTier, PointTier]: if isinstance(key, str): matching_name_inds = [tier_ind for tier_ind, tier in enumerate(self.tiers) if == key] if len(matching_name_inds) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Multiple tiers have the name '{key}', tiers are: {matching_name_inds}." "Please access tiers with one of those integer indices, " "or give the tiers unique names to be able to access with a string." ) ind = matching_name_inds[0] return self.tiers[ind] elif isinstance(key, (int, slice)): return self.tiers[key] else: raise TypeError(f"Tiers must be accessed with a string key or an integer index, but got a {type(key)}.") @staticmethod def _interval_tier_to_seq( interval_tier: IntervalTier, round_times: bool = True, decimals: int = 3 ) -> crowsetta.Sequence: """Helper method used by ``to_seq`` that converts a single IntervalTier to a ``crowsetta.Sequence``""" onsets_s = [] offsets_s = [] labels = [] for interval in interval_tier.intervals: xmin, xmax, text = interval.xmin, interval.xmax, interval.text onsets_s.append(xmin) offsets_s.append(xmax) labels.append(text) onsets_s = np.array(onsets_s) offsets_s = np.array(offsets_s) labels = np.array(labels) if round_times: onsets_s = np.around(onsets_s, decimals=decimals) offsets_s = np.around(offsets_s, decimals=decimals) seq = crowsetta.Sequence.from_keyword(labels=labels, onsets_s=onsets_s, offsets_s=offsets_s) return seq
[docs] def to_seq( self, tier: int | str | None = None, round_times: bool = True, decimals: int = 3 ) -> crowsetta.Sequence | list[crowsetta.Sequence]: """Convert an IntervalTier from this TextGrid annotation into a :class:`crowsetta.Sequence`. Currently, there is only support for converting a single IntervalTier to a single :class:`~crowsetta.Sequence`. Parameters ---------- tier : int Index or string name of interval tier in TextGrid file from which annotations should be taken. Default is None, in which case all interval tiers are converted to :class:`crowsetta.Sequence`s. round_times : bool If True, round times of onsets and offsets. Default is True. decimals : int Number of decimals places to round floating point numbers to. Only meaningful if round_times is True. Default is 3, so that times are rounded to milliseconds. Returns ------- seq : crowsetta.Sequence Examples -------- Calling the :meth:`~crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.to_seq` method with no arguments will convert all interval tiers :class:`~crowsetta.Sequence` instances, in the order they appear in the TextGrid. >>> example ='textgrid') >>> textgrid = crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.from_file(example.annot_path) >>> textgrid.to_seq() [<Sequence with 7 segments>, <Sequence with 7 segments>] Call the :meth:`~crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.to_seq` method with a ``tier`` arguments to convert a specific :class:`~crowsetta.formats.seq.textgrid.classes.IntervalTier` to a single :class:`~crowsetta.Sequence`. >>> example ='textgrid') >>> textgrid = crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.from_file(example.annot_path) >>> textgrid.to_seq(tier=2) [<Sequence with 7 segments>] When calling :meth:`~crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.to_seq` you can specify the ``tier`` as an int, or the name of the tier as a string. I.e., this parameter works the same way as square bracket access to a TextGrid as shown above. >>> example ='textgrid') >>> textgrid = crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.from_file(example.annot_path) >>> seq1 = textgrid.to_seq(tier=2) >>> seq2 = textgrid.to_seq(tier="Gloss") >>> seq1 == seq2 True Notes ----- The ``round_times`` and ``decimals`` arguments are provided to reduce differences across platforms due to floating point error, e.g. when loading annotation files and then sending them to a csv file, the result should be the same on Windows and Linux. """ if tier is not None: tier_ = self.__getitem__(tier) if not isinstance(tier_, IntervalTier): raise ValueError( f"The specified tier ({tier}) is not an interval tier, type is {type(tier_)}." f"Cannot convert to a crowsetta.Sequence" ) return self._interval_tier_to_seq(tier_, round_times, decimals) seq = [ self._interval_tier_to_seq(tier, round_times, decimals) for tier in self.tiers if isinstance(tier, IntervalTier) ] if len(seq) == 1: seq = seq[0] return seq
[docs] def to_annot( self, tier: int | str | None = None, round_times: bool = True, decimals: int = 3 ) -> crowsetta.Annotation: """Convert interval tier or tiers from this TextGrid annotation to a :class:`crowsetta.Annotation` with a :data:`seq` attribute. Parameters ---------- tier : int Index or string name of interval tier in TextGrid file from which annotations should be taken. Default is None, in which case all interval tiers are converted to :class:`crowsetta.Sequence`s. round_times : bool If True, round times of onsets and offsets. Default is True. decimals : int Number of decimals places to round floating point numbers to. Only meaningful if round_times is True. Default is 3, so that times are rounded to milliseconds. Returns ------- annot : crowsetta.Annotation Examples -------- >>> example ='textgrid') >>> textgrid = crowsetta.formats.seq.TextGrid.from_file(example.annot_path) >>> annot = textgrid.to_annot() Notes ----- The ``round_times`` and ``decimals`` arguments are provided to reduce differences across platforms due to floating point error, e.g. when loading annotation files and then sending them to a csv file, the result should be the same on Windows and Linux. """ seq = self.to_seq(tier=tier, round_times=round_times, decimals=decimals) return crowsetta.Annotation(annot_path=self.annot_path, notated_path=self.audio_path, seq=seq)