Source code for crowsetta.formats.bbox.audbbox

"""Module for Audacity label tracks
in extended format, exported to txt files
from __future__ import annotations

import pathlib
from typing import ClassVar, List, Optional

import attr
import pandas as pd
import pandera
from pandera.typing import Series

import crowsetta
from crowsetta.typing import PathLike

[docs] def txt_to_records(aud_txt_path: PathLike) -> list[dict]: """Load a txt file in Audacity extended label track format into records for a :type:`pandas.DataFrame`. Returns a :class:`list` of :class:`dict` that can be made into a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` by calling :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.from_records`. Parameters ---------- aud_txt_path : str, pathlib.Path Returns ------- records : list Of :class:`dict`, each :class:`dict` will become a row in the :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`. Notes ----- We work with Audacity txt files this way, instead of loading with :func:`pandas.read_csv` then munging, so that we can be sure that we can round-trip data without corrupting it. """ with pathlib.Path(aud_txt_path).open("r") as fp: lines = lines = [line.split("\t") for line in lines] records = [] # next line: iterate over lines in groups of 2 for row1, row2 in zip(*[iter(lines)] * 2): record = { "begin_time_s": float(row1[0]), "end_time_s": float(row1[1]), "label": str(row1[2]), "low_freq_hz": float(row2[1]), "high_freq_hz": float(row2[2]), } records.append(record) return records
[docs] def df_to_lines(df: pd.DataFrame) -> list[str]: """Convert a :type:`pandas.DataFrame` to a :class:`list` of :class:`str` that can be saved as a txt file in Audacity extended label track format. This function is (roughly) the inverse of :func:`crowsetta.formats.bbox.audbbox.txt_to_records`. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame With contents of a txt file in Audacity extended label track format, after being loaded and parsed by :func:`crowsetta.formats.bbox.audbbox.audbbox_txt_to_df` Returns ------- lines : list List of strings that can be saved to a text file by calling :func:`writelines`. Notes ----- We work with Audacity txt files this way, instead of munging and then calling :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.to_csv`, so that we can be sure that we can round-trip data without corrupting it. """ df = AudBBoxSchema.validate(df) lines = [] for record in df.itertuples(): row1 = f"{float(record.begin_time_s)}\t{float(record.end_time_s)}\t{record.label}\n" row2 = f"\\\t{float(record.low_freq_hz)}\t{float(record.high_freq_hz)}\n" lines.extend((row1, row2)) return lines
[docs] class AudBBoxSchema(pandera.SchemaModel): """A :class:`pandera.SchemaModel` that validates :mod:`pandas` dataframes loaded from Audacity label tracks in extended format, exported to txt files """ begin_time_s: Series[float] = pandera.Field(coerce=True) end_time_s: Series[float] = pandera.Field(coerce=True) label: Series[pd.StringDtype] = pandera.Field(coerce=True) low_freq_hz: Series[float] = pandera.Field(coerce=True) high_freq_hz: Series[float] = pandera.Field(coerce=True)
[docs] class Config: ordered = True strict = True
[docs] @crowsetta.interface.BBoxLike.register @attr.define class AudBBox: """Class that represents Audacity label tracks in extended format, exported to txt files Attributes ---------- name: str Shorthand name for annotation format: 'aud-bbox'. ext: str Extension of files in annotation format: '.txt' df : pandas.DataFrame with annotations loaded into it annot_path : str, pathlib.Path Path to Audacity txt file from which annotations were loaded. audio_path : str. pathlib.Path Path to audio file that the Audacity txt file annotates. """ COLUMNS_MAP: ClassVar[dict] = { 0: "begin_time_s", 1: "end_time_s", 2: "label", 3: "low_freq_hz", 4: "high_freq_hz", } name: ClassVar[str] = "aud-bbox" ext: ClassVar[str] = ".txt" df: pd.DataFrame annot_path: pathlib.Path audio_path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = attr.field(default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(pathlib.Path))
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, annot_path: PathLike, audio_path: Optional[PathLike] = None) -> "Self": # noqa: F821 """Load annotations from an Audacity annotation file with bounding boxes, created by exporting a Selection Table. Parameters ---------- annot_path : str, pathlib.Path Path to a txt file exported from Audacity bbox. audio_path : str, pathlib.Path Path to audio file that the Audacity bbox txt file annotates. Optional, defaults to None. Examples -------- >>> example ='aud-bbox') >>> audbbox = crowsetta.formats.bbox.AudBBox.from_file(example.annot_path) """ annot_path = pathlib.Path(annot_path) crowsetta.validation.validate_ext(annot_path, extension=cls.ext) records = crowsetta.formats.bbox.audbbox.txt_to_records(annot_path) df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(records) if len(df) < 1: raise ValueError(f"Cannot load annotations, " f"there are no rows in Audacity txt file:\n{df}") df = crowsetta.formats.bbox.audbbox.AudBBoxSchema.validate(df) return cls( df=df, annot_path=annot_path, audio_path=audio_path, )
[docs] def to_bbox(self) -> List[crowsetta.BBox]: """Convert this Audacity extended label track annotation to a :class:`list` of :class:`crowsetta.Bbox`. Returns ------- bboxes : list A :class:`list` of :class:`crowsetta.BBox` instances. Examples -------- >>> example ='aud-bbox') >>> audbbox = crowsetta.formats.bbox.AudBBox.from_file(example.annot_path) >>> bboxes = audbbox.to_bbox() """ bboxes = [] for begin_time, end_time, label, low_freq, high_freq in zip( self.df.begin_time_s.values, self.df.end_time_s.values, self.df.label.values, self.df.low_freq_hz.values, self.df.high_freq_hz.values, ): bboxes.append( crowsetta.BBox(onset=begin_time, offset=end_time, low_freq=low_freq, high_freq=high_freq, label=label) ) return bboxes
[docs] def to_annot(self) -> crowsetta.Annotation: """Convert this Audacity bbox annotation to a :class:`crowsetta.Annotation`. Returns ------- annot : crowsetta.Annotation Examples -------- >>> example ='aud-bbox') >>> audacitybbox = crowsetta.formats.bbox.AudBBox.from_file(example.annot_path) >>> annot = audacitybbox.to_annot() """ bboxes = self.to_bbox() return crowsetta.Annotation(annot_path=self.annot_path, notated_path=self.audio_path, bboxes=bboxes)
[docs] def to_file(self, annot_path: PathLike) -> None: """Make a txt file from this annotation in extended label track format that can be read by Audacity. Parameters ---------- annot_path : str, pathlib.Path Path including filename where file should be saved. Must have extension '.txt' """ crowsetta.validation.validate_ext(annot_path, extension=self.ext) lines = df_to_lines(self.df) with pathlib.Path(annot_path).open("w") as fp: fp.writelines(lines)