Source code for crowsetta.sequence

"""A class that represents a sequence of segments,
used to annotate animal acoustic communication."""
from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

from .segment import Segment
from .validation import _num_samples, check_consistent_length, column_or_row_or_1d

[docs] class Sequence: """A class that represents a sequence of segments, used to annotate animal acoustic communication. E.g., a human sentence made up of syllables, or a bout of birdsong made up of "syllables". Attributes ---------- segments : tuple A :class:`tuple` of :class:`crowsetta.Segment` instances. onset_samples : numpy.ndarray or None Numpy array of type int, onset of each annotated segment in sample number. offset_samples : numpy.ndarray or None Numpy array of type int, offset of each annotated segment in sample number. onsets_s : numpy.ndarray or None Numpy array of type float, onset of each annotated segment in seconds. offsets_s : numpy.ndarray or None Numpy array of type float, offset of each annotated segment in seconds. labels : str, list, or numpy.ndarray Numpy array of type char, label for each annotated segment. Methods ------- from_segments : method Make a :class:`~crowsetta.Sequence` from a :class:`list` of :class:`~crowsetta.Segment`s. from_keyword : method Make a :class:`~crowsetta.Sequence` by passing keywords (all arguments except segments) from_dict : method Like from_keyword, but pass a Python dictionary where keys are keywords and values are arguments for those keywords. to_dict : method Convert to a :class:`dict`. The inverse of :meth:`~crowsetta.Sequence.from_dict`. Examples -------- A sequence with onsets and offsets given in seconds. >>> import numpy as np >>> import crowsetta >>> onsets_s = np.array([1.0, 3.0, 5.0]) >>> offsets_s = np.array(2.0, 4.0, 6.0]) >>> labels = np.array(['a', 'a', 'b']) >>> seq = crowsetta.Sequence.from_keyword(labels=labels, onsets_s=onsets_s, offsets_s=offsets_s) The same sequence could also be made by calling the :meth:`~crowsetta.Sequence.from_segments` class method. >>> segments = [] >>> for onset, offset, label in zip(onsets_s, offsets_s, labels): ... segments.append(crowsetta.Segment(onset_s=onset, offset_s=offset, label=label)) >>> seq2 = crowsetta.Sequence.from_segments(segments) """
[docs] def __init__(self, segments, labels, onsets_s=None, offsets_s=None, onset_samples=None, offset_samples=None): """Initialize a new :class:`~crowsetta.Sequence` instance. Parameters ---------- segments : tuple A :class:`tuple` of :class:`crowsetta.Segment` instances. onset_samples : numpy.ndarray or None Numpy array of type int, onset of each annotated segment in sample number. offset_samples : numpy.ndarray or None Numpy array of type int, offset of each annotated segment in sample number. onsets_s : numpy.ndarray or None Numpy array of type float, onset of each annotated segment in seconds. offsets_s : numpy.ndarray or None Numpy array of type float, offset of each annotated segment in seconds. labels : str, list, or numpy.ndarray Numpy array of type char, label for each annotated segment. """ if segments is not None: if isinstance(segments, Segment): segments = (segments,) elif isinstance(segments, (list, tuple)): segments = tuple(segments) else: raise TypeError( f"type of 'segments' should be either list, tuple, or a single segment but " f"got type {type(segments)}, could not convert to tuple." ) labels = self._convert_labels(labels) (onsets_s, offsets_s, onset_samples, offset_samples, labels) = self._validate_onsets_offsets_labels( onsets_s, offsets_s, onset_samples, offset_samples, labels ) self._validate_segments_type(segments) super().__setattr__("_segments", segments) super().__setattr__("_onsets_s", onsets_s) super().__setattr__("_offsets_s", offsets_s) super().__setattr__("_onset_samples", onset_samples) super().__setattr__("_offset_samples", offset_samples) super().__setattr__("_labels", labels)
@property def segments(self): return self._segments @property def onsets_s(self): return self._onsets_s @property def offsets_s(self): return self._offsets_s @property def onset_samples(self): return self._onset_samples @property def offset_samples(self): return self._offset_samples @property def labels(self): return self._labels def __hash__(self): list_for_hash = [ self._segments, self._onsets_s, self._offsets_s, self._onset_samples, self._offset_samples, self._labels, ] list_for_hash = [tuple(item.tolist()) if isinstance(item, np.ndarray) else item for item in list_for_hash] tup_for_hash = tuple(list_for_hash) return hash(tup_for_hash) def __repr__(self): return f"<Sequence with {len(self.segments)} segments>" def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Sequence): return False if len(self.segments) != len(other.segments): return False return all([seg1 == seg2 for seg1, seg2 in zip(self.segments, other.segments)]) def __ne__(self, other): if self.__class__ == other.__class__: return not self.__eq__(other) else: raise TypeError( "can only test for equality between two Sequences, not " f"between a Sequence and {type(other)}" ) def __setattr__(self, key, value): raise TypeError("Sequence objects are immutable.") def __lt__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __le__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __gt__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError def __ge__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def _convert_labels(labels): if isinstance(labels, str): labels = np.asarray(list(labels)) elif isinstance(labels, list) or isinstance(labels, tuple): try: labels = [str(label) for label in labels] except ValueError: raise ValueError("unable to convert all elements in labels to characters") labels = np.asarray(labels) return labels @staticmethod def _validate_segments_type(segments): """Validate that all items in list of segments are Segment""" if not all([isinstance(seg, Segment) for seg in segments]): raise TypeError( "A Sequence must be made from a list of Segments but not all " "items in the list passed were Segments." ) @staticmethod def _validate_onsets_offsets_labels(onsets_s, offsets_s, onset_samples, offset_samples, labels): """Validate onsets, offsets, and labels passed to __init__ or class methods Parameters ---------- onsets_s : numpy.ndarray or None offsets_s : numpy.ndarray or None onset_samples : numpy.ndarray or None offset_samples : numpy.ndarray or None labels : str, list, or tuple Returns ------- onsets_s : numpy.ndarray offsets_s : numpy.ndarray onset_samples : numpy.ndarray offset_samples : numpy.ndarray labels : numpy.ndarray """ # make sure user passed either onset_samples and offset_samples, or # onsets_s and offsets_s, or both. # first make sure at least one pair of onsets and offsets is specified if (onset_samples is None and offset_samples is None) and (onsets_s is None and offsets_s is None): raise ValueError("must provide either onset_samples and offset_samples, or " "onsets_s and offsets_s") # then make sure both elements of each pair are specified if onset_samples is not None and offset_samples is None: raise ValueError(f"onset_sample specified as {onset_samples} but offset_sample is None") if onset_samples is None and offset_samples is not None: raise ValueError(f"offset_sample specified as {offset_samples} but onset_sample is None") if onsets_s is not None and offsets_s is None: raise ValueError(f"onset_s specified as {onsets_s} but offset_s is None") if onsets_s is None and offsets_s is not None: raise ValueError(f"offset_s specified as {offset_samples} but onset_s is None") # then do type/shape checking on onsets and offsets; # also make sure everybody is the same length if not (onset_samples is None and offset_samples is None) and not ( np.all(onset_samples == None) and np.all(offset_samples == None) # noqa: E711 ): onset_samples = column_or_row_or_1d(onset_samples) offset_samples = column_or_row_or_1d(offset_samples) if not np.issubdtype(onset_samples.dtype, np.integer) or not np.issubdtype( offset_samples.dtype, np.integer ): raise TypeError("dtype of onset_samples and offset_samples " "must be some kind of int") try: check_consistent_length([labels, onset_samples, offset_samples]) except ValueError: # try to give human-interpretable-error message if not (onset_samples.shape[0] == offset_samples.shape[0]): raise ValueError( "onset_samples and offset_samples have different lengths: " f"labels: {onset_samples.shape[0]}, " f"onset_samples: {offset_samples.shape[0]}" ) if not (labels.shape[0] == onset_samples.shape[0]): raise ValueError( "labels and onset_samples have different lengths: " f"labels: {labels.shape[0]}, " f"onset_samples: {onset_samples.shape[0]}" ) if not (labels.shape[0] == offset_samples.shape[0]): raise ValueError( "labels and offset_samples have different lengths: " f"labels: {labels.shape[0]}, " f"onset_samples: {offset_samples.shape[0]}" ) if not (onsets_s is None and offsets_s is None) and not ( np.all(onsets_s == None) and np.all(offsets_s == None) # noqa: E711 ): onsets_s = column_or_row_or_1d(onsets_s) offsets_s = column_or_row_or_1d(offsets_s) if not np.issubdtype(onsets_s.dtype, np.floating) or not np.issubdtype(offsets_s.dtype, np.floating): raise TypeError("dtype of onsets_s and offsets_s " "must be some kind of float") try: check_consistent_length([labels, onset_samples, offset_samples]) except ValueError: # try to give human-interpretable-error message if not (onsets_s.shape[0] == offsets_s.shape[0]): raise ValueError( "onset_samples and offset_samples have different lengths: " f"labels: {onsets_s.shape[0]}, " f"onset_samples: {offsets_s.shape[0]}" ) if not (labels.shape[0] == onsets_s.shape[0]): raise ValueError( "labels and onsets_s have different lengths: " f"labels: {labels.shape[0]}, " f"onset_samples: {onset_samples.shape[0]}" ) if not (labels.shape[0] == offset_samples.shape[0]): raise ValueError( "labels and offset_samples have different lengths: " f"labels: {labels.shape[0]}, " f"onset_samples: {offset_samples.shape[0]}" ) num_samples = _num_samples(labels) # need to make arrays to iterate over for onsets and offsets that are None if onset_samples is None and offset_samples is None: onset_samples = np.asarray([None] * num_samples) offset_samples = np.asarray([None] * num_samples) elif onsets_s is None and offsets_s is None: onsets_s = np.asarray([None] * num_samples) offsets_s = np.asarray([None] * num_samples) return onsets_s, offsets_s, onset_samples, offset_samples, labels
[docs] @classmethod def from_segments(cls, segments): """Construct a :class:`crowsetta.Sequence` from a :class:`list` of :class:`crowsetta.Segment` objects. Parameters ---------- segments : list A :class:`list` of :class:`crowsetta.Segment` instances. Returns ------- seq : crowsetta.Sequence A :class:`~crowsetta.Sequence` instance generated using the :class:`list` of :class:`~crowsetta.Segment`s. """ cls._validate_segments_type(segments) onsets_s = [] offsets_s = [] onset_samples = [] offset_samples = [] labels = [] for seg in segments: onsets_s.append(seg.onset_s) offsets_s.append(seg.offset_s) onset_samples.append(seg.onset_sample) offset_samples.append(seg.offset_sample) labels.append(seg.label) onsets_s = np.asarray(onsets_s) offsets_s = np.asarray(offsets_s) onset_samples = np.asarray(onset_samples) offset_samples = np.asarray(offset_samples) labels = np.asarray(labels) labels = cls._convert_labels(labels) (onsets_s, offsets_s, onset_samples, offset_samples, labels) = cls._validate_onsets_offsets_labels( onsets_s, offsets_s, onset_samples, offset_samples, labels ) return cls(segments, labels, onsets_s, offsets_s, onset_samples, offset_samples)
[docs] @classmethod def from_keyword(cls, labels, onset_samples=None, offset_samples=None, onsets_s=None, offsets_s=None): """Construct a :class:`crowsetta.Sequence` from keyword arguments Parameters ---------- onset_samples : numpy.ndarray or None of type int, onset of each annotated segment in samples/second offset_samples : numpy.ndarray or None of type int, offset of each annotated segment in samples/second onsets_s : numpy.ndarray or None of type float, onset of each annotated segment in seconds offsets_s : numpy.ndarray or None of type float, offset of each annotated segment in seconds labels : str, list, or numpy.ndarray of type str, label for each annotated segment Must specify both onsets and offsets, either in units of Hz or seconds (or both). """ labels = cls._convert_labels(labels) (onsets_s, offsets_s, onset_samples, offset_samples, labels) = cls._validate_onsets_offsets_labels( onsets_s, offsets_s, onset_samples, offset_samples, labels ) segments = [] zipped = zip(labels, onset_samples, offset_samples, onsets_s, offsets_s) for label, onset_sample, offset_sample, onset_s, offset_s in zipped: segments.append( Segment( label=label, onset_sample=onset_sample, offset_sample=offset_sample, onset_s=onset_s, offset_s=offset_s, ) ) return cls(segments, labels, onsets_s, offsets_s, onset_samples, offset_samples)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, seq_dict): """Construct a :class:`crowsetta.Sequence` from a :class:`dict` where keys are arguments to :meth:`~crowsetta.Sequence.from_keyword`. Parameters ---------- seq_dict : dict with following key, value pairs onset_samples : numpy.ndarray or None of type int, onset of each annotated segment in samples/second offset_samples : numpy.ndarray or None of type int, offset of each annotated segment in samples/second onsets_s : numpy.ndarray or None of type float, onset of each annotated segment in seconds offsets_s : numpy.ndarray or None of type float, offset of each annotated segment in seconds labels : str, list, or numpy.ndarray of type str, label for each annotated segment ``seq_dict`` must specify both onsets and offsets, either in units of samples or seconds (or both). Examples -------- >>> seq_dict = { ... 'labels': 'abc', ... 'onset_samples': np.asarray([16005, 17925, 19837]), ... 'offset_samples': np.asarray([17602, 19520, 21435]), ... 'file': 'bird0.wav', ... } >>> seq = Sequence.from_dict(seq_dict) """ # basically a convenience method # so user doesn't have to grok the concept of 'dictionary unpacking operator' return cls.from_keyword(**seq_dict)
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict: """Convert this :class:`crowsetta.Sequence` to a :class:`dict`. Returns ------- seq_dict : dict with the following key, value pairs: onset_samples : numpy.ndarray or None of type int, onset of each annotated segment in samples/second offset_samples : numpy.ndarray or None of type int, offset of each annotated segment in samples/second onsets_s : numpy.ndarray or None of type float, onset of each annotated segment in seconds offsets_s : numpy.ndarray or None of type float, offset of each annotated segment in seconds labels : numpy.ndarray of type str; label for each annotated segment """ seq_keys = ["onset_samples", "offset_samples", "onsets_s", "offsets_s", "labels"] seq_dict = dict(zip(seq_keys, [getattr(self, seq_key) for seq_key in seq_keys])) for a_key in ["onset_samples", "offset_samples", "onsets_s", "offsets_s"]: # if value is an array full of Nones, just convert to one None. # Use == to do elementwise comparison (so ignore warnings about # 'comparison with None performed with equality operators') if np.all(seq_dict[a_key] == None): # noqa: E711 seq_dict[a_key] = None return seq_dict