Source code for crowsetta.formats

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
from typing import Type

from .. import interface
from . import bbox, seq

for module in (bbox, seq):
    for attr_name in dir(module):
        attr = getattr(module, attr_name)
        if inspect.isclass(attr):
            if issubclass(attr, interface.seq.SeqLike) or issubclass(attr, interface.bbox.BBoxLike):
                # note we use the class-level ``name`` attribute, a string, as keys in the dictionary
                FORMATS[] = attr

__all__ = ["bbox", "FORMATS", "seq"]

[docs] def by_name(name: str) -> Type: """Get an annotation class by its string name Parameters ---------- name : str Shorthand name for an annotation format, e.g. 'timit' Returns ------- format : class Examples -------- >>> import crowsetta >>> crowsetta.formats.by_name('timit') <class 'crowsetta.formats.seq.timit.Timit'> """ try: return FORMATS[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}") from None
[docs] def as_list() -> list[str]: """List available annotation formats. Returns ------- formats : list A list of strings, shorthand names that can be used to access the class by calling by their shorthand names Examples -------- >>> import crowsetta >>> crowsetta.formats.as_list() ['aud-bbox', 'aud-seq', 'birdsong-recognition-dataset', 'generic-seq', 'notmat', 'raven', 'simple-seq', 'textgrid', 'timit', 'yarden'] # noqa """ return sorted(FORMATS.keys())
[docs] def register_format(format_class: Type) -> Type: """Decorator to register annotation formats. Adds class to :mod:`crowsetta.formats`. The decorator maps the class variable ``name``, a string, to the class itself, so that calling :func:`crowsetta.formats.by_name` with that string will return the class. Parameters ---------- format_class : class A class that has the required class variables and adheres to one of the interfaces defined in :mod:`crowsetta.interface`, either :class:`~crowsetta.interface.seq.SeqLike` or :class:`~crowsetta.interface.bbox.BBoxLike`. Returns ------- format_class : class The same class, unchanged. This decorator only adds the class to :data:`crowsetta.formats.FORMATS`. """ if not issubclass(format_class, interface.seq.SeqLike) and not issubclass(format_class, interface.bbox.BBoxLike): raise TypeError(f"format class must be subclass of SeqLike or BBoxLike, but was not: {format_class}") FORMATS[] = format_class return format_class